Thursday 6 February 2014

Supermarket NHS...Now selling Your Details

#MSResearch. Do you want the #NHS selling you health details
The NHS is becoming like a supermarket.

Should we rebrand NHS England and call it Insanesberries?

We recently heard how Private Prescriptions have snook onto the agenda without any big debate by any of the Political Parties or News Media Coverage.

Now you have real marketing by pharma. 

Yes get Free trial...then you have to pay to stay. 

This is not NetFlix or other stuff, but this is pharma going fishing for your health.

If you try a drug and it works are you going to want to go backwards?

It's like getting a Sat Nav or a Dish washer...there is no going back!.. However you only have to buy a Sat Nav once....not every day or week.

What Next? 2 for 1 or 3 for 2. 

I realise this is no big shakes for our US readers where most of the TV Commercials are for this or that drug. However.


What every supermarket is doing is offering Loyalty cards, so for every Pound your spend you get a point collect a few thousands points and get a 5p off voucher.

However, you get more than that...... you get mail, phones calls etc of people offering you this and that. 

The supermarkets monitor everything you spend and make a profile for each customer.

They use for Marketing or they sell to third parties so that you can be targeted.

Yep Google is no different they track every where you go and sooner or latter Pharma will pay google to get details of anyone visiting sites so they can keep you up todate with the latest offers.

However so is the NHS, they are about to sell your loyalty card details, only it is your health records that they are selling.

So despite good intentions should you get ready for those leaflets on Piles, Hearing Aids etc creeping through your door
Do you want a NHSectar Card...NO
You can do something about this! You can OPT OUT!

You have until March and then they will be selling off your information to Drug and Insurance firms harvested from your GP and Hospital Records in a single Digitised data base. 

Will this make easier easier to get medical advances? 
Or is it the thin edge of a wedge?

The Health and Social Care Information Centre with get access to your "Care Data" firms will then be able to get access to Pseudoanonymous data your name may be removed but according to media sources (can we trust them either?) they may get your NHS number. How long is it going to take for someone to join the Dots. So NHS England starts NHSectar the insainsberries loyalty card. 

Last Month Leaflets were sent out.. Did you see one?......I didn't!!! Maybe went straight to Recycle)
They also made a video
Funny how they have that Nice Northern Voice to lull you into that sense of Trust. So it not only sells washing powder, but now your details.

Big databases can make joined up services but only if it is the hands of the right people. Is an insurance company the right person?

If you are not interested in being part of Medical Big Brother then contact your GP before March

You can Opt out of Being in the Data Base
Should you get an Opt Out of the Information being Sold

Funny they can do this without much discussion.
Why not make it an Opt Out to be an ORGAN DONOR whilst they're at it... or are they planning on finding buyers first! :-).

Read More about it Here