DIY SlideShare site

Dear Blog Reader

I must apologise; my SlideShare site has been disabled by LinkedIn. I have been told that many of my slides include copyrighted material. Strictly speaking, this is correct. However, LinkedIn doesn't understand that academics often use each other's materials for teaching/academic purposes without getting specific agreements in place to address copyright issues. I have therefore been forced to move off the SlideShare platform and to improvise. I have had to set-up my own site (Prof G's Slides) to allow you access to my slides after my talks. I hope my DIY tech solution works. 

The following is my first presentation that has been uploaded on the site: Copenhagen 23-Aug-2018


Prof G

P.S. The great tragedy is that all the blog posts that are dependent on embedded material from SlideShare will be spoilt. If there is one lesson to learn from this experience is that you shouldn't rely on one technology platform.