Tuesday 28 January 2014

Is it morally right to refuse someone a treatment under the NHS because someone else can't afford it?

The morality of private prescribing in the NHS. #MSBlog #MSResearch

"My post yesterday on private prescribing has raised some interesting philosophical questions. An excellent and very though provoking comment today suggest we need to pay more taxes to support the NHS and also questions the morality of a position of principle. Do you agree?"

Private prescribing in the NHS - Multiple Sclerosis Research - Blogger
27 Jan 2014; The coalition has undermined these principles by allowing private prescriptions in the NHS. In the past private prescribing was the remit of the private sector and you needed to have all your care covered privately. Doctors ...

Anonymous Tuesday, January 28, 2014 8:05:00 am

' Unless we are willing to pay more in taxes or radically change the way the NHS works eg you pay for your food and laundry in hospitals, we won't be able to afford it in the future. Most people retired from work and were dead within 10 years. Now we have an aging population who may have 30 years post retirement who will need health care (not taking into account the enormous amount in pensions that will be paid out to NHS workers out of the NHS pot ).

This is such a political issue, but you are dealing with people's lives. How can you say it is morally right to refuse a patient a drug they are willing to pay for that would improve their health on the basis that you can't prescribe it for someone else. Therefore, you would be willing to see that patient's health deteriorate to prove a point. Also if they pay for their drug, surely it is leaving more money in the NHS pot for the other users of the NHS.

We are not talking about the rich here either. A lot of people work very hard for their money, and if they choose to spend it on drugs or healthcare rather than expensive holidays it should be up to them. A dog in the manger attitude helps no one.'