Tuesday 28 January 2014

MS in the Media.

#MSResearch. #TheMirror and #Miriam Stoppard gives current MSinformation..Not 

Yesterday MS was in the Rags and wonder what news they had to say. 

Doctor Mirianm Stoppard = celebrity Pop- Doc posted in the Daily Mirror (A British Newspaper)
This story talks about the work presented in Nature by Top Boffins in Cambridge who have found 50 genes..well 57 to be precise and Simon Gillespie from MS Society said “By identifying which genes may trigger the development of MS, we can identify potential risk factors and look at new ways of treating, or even preventing, the condition.”

Hang on.....Is this Hot news or a bit of laboured research by our Celebrity Pop Doc?.

Simon Gillespie left the MS Society to go to the British Heart Foundation about a year ago, was the Nature paper talked about from 2011...seems so

This is hardly hot off the press. 
There have been more genes found in the past few years. 

Was it a mess up and did she mean to post another paper on the discovery of susceptibility arising from analysis of gene pathways published in a Nature publishing group Journal in January 16 involving the guys from Cambridge.

So in about two years time the paper may report that Lemtrada being approved in Europe or it that the time it may take NICE to make up its mind about prescribing in UK:-).