Varrin-Doyer M, Pekarek KL, Spencer CM, Bernard CC, Sobel RA, Cree BA, Schulze-Topphoff U, Zamvil SS. Treatment of spontaneous EAE by laquinimod reduces Tfh, B cell aggregates, and disease progression. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016 Sep 21;3(5):e272.
This study was on mice and the drug can wipe the disease out unlike that occuring MS. They use a spontaneous model of MS and the drug is inhibitory, but does this model reflect progressive MS and the answer in my mind is no, it is simply an immune-disease model, Now it has been suggested that progressive MS is mediated by the activity of B cell and B cell follicles but the B cell aggregates seen in the animal models do not appear to have the real structure of a B cell follicle as shown in hte pictures, but laquinmod can sort them out. Does this mean it will block progresive MS. We have to wait and see. You can read the papers as it is open access...also read what the reviewers had to say.
Forsthuber TG, Stuve O.Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2016 Sep 21;3(5):e283
There was other animal studies presented at ECTRIMS/ISNI showing a model of nerve loss after dysmyelination that was not dependent on the immune T and B immune system and this wa sblocked by laquinimod , That was much mre impressive