Thursday 27 September 2018

ECTRIMS 2018... here we go again!

In little over 2 weeks' time, the MS professional community will travel to Berlin for the 34th ECTRIMS meeting. It's the largest European conference focusing on MS research and treatment, and is attended by MS healthcare professionals, companies, researchers and charities.

Similar to previous years, the Barts-MS team are keen to get some of this new research out to you as quickly as we can, and also provide opportunities for you to get involved. 

On Friday the 12th October, we will be broadcasting a Google hangout where Mouse Dr and Neuro Doc Gnanapavan will provide coverage of work that is presented in paper presentations, keynotes and posters.

How can you get involved in the Google hangout?
Read the abstracts - is there something you want to know about? Let us know and one of the team will find the poster or attend the presentation and let you know what the results are in the broadcast. You can let us know what you're interested in by either commenting on this post, tweeting or emailing us.

The team have had a look at the abstracts and suggested a few sessions that may be of interest to readers of this blog - are we missing anything?

-       Plenary talk:
-       230 Stem cells as first line therapy
-       237 CD8
-       241 Access and restrictions to MS Therapies
-       262 How to define treatment failure
-       270 Remyelination
-       272 Technology supported rehab (& other exercise talks)
-       283 Stem cells
-       284 Progressive MS
-       298 DNA and risk factors
-       290 Different types of MS
-       320 Everyone with MS has EBV
-       324 MS Smart trial data

You can watch previous years' videos on the Barts-MS Youtube channel from 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014.

When it is:
Friday 12th October
12.00 – 1.00