Friday 21 September 2018

The Scottish MS Register Annual Report - 2018

The Scottish MS Register (SMSR) has been collecting data on everyone with a confirmed diagnosis of MS in Scotland since the year 2010. Unfortunately, Scotland has one of the highest rates of MS in the world. The Scottish MS register was set up to count people newly diagnosed with MS, to help monitor service quality and to plan future services for people with MS.

Since it started, the Scottish Register has recorded that 3,692 people have been diagnosed with MS. That number is probably an underestimate as some people are always missed. Generally people with MS are added to the register during the year or so after their actual date of diagnosis.

One function of the SMSR is to monitor the quality of MS nurse services, including how long it takes for an MS nurse to get in touch with someone who has just been diagnosed with MS. In Scotland initial contact should be made within 10 days. This is not possible for everyone, but on a year to year basis we are seeing some improvement in response times.

Recently, the team involved in putting the yearly SMSR report have decided to make it more user-friendly, and accessible to the public.  The new format includes various videos and features relevant to people with MS in Scotland as well as the most recent epidemiological data.  

Have a look here - 2018 Scottish MS Register Report

The website features information for people living with MS in Scotland, and highlights from MS services that are using technology to help people access the care that they need.