Monday 20 January 2014

DE-FLAMES 3: early neuroprotection

Can we reduce or prevent end-organ damage in MS? The DE-FLAMES study. #MSBlog #MSResearch

"End-organ damage in MS; can we prevent it? We are putting in a grant application to test a new class of neuroprotective agent in early MS as an add-on therapy to existing DMTs. If you have not visited this blog for sometime please read the two posts recent posts on this study. We try and make the case for early treatment of progression and explain why we are using brain atrophy, or shrinkage of the brain, as the outcome measure."

"These images below are from two MSers with RRMS and demonstrates how much brain atrophy or end-organ damage can occur in a short period of time. The aim of our study is to slow or prevent this process from occurring. We need to know if you would be interested in participating in a study addressing this important issue. Thank you."

18 Jan 2014
The DE-FLAMES study. #MSBlog #MSResearch "Thank you for responding so positively to yesterday's post; it clearly needs some more explanation." "Why combination therapies? There are two ways MS damages and or kills ...
17 Jan 2014
Can we stop the slow burn of progressive MS? The DE-FLAMES study. #MSBlog #MSResearch "We need your help. If you have been reading this blog and following the numerous posts on progressive MS, and brain atrophy ...

"This investigator-led study, we hope to do, has developed from research done as part of our PROMISE 2010 programme grant. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the National MS Society of the US (NMSS) and MS Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for their generous and ongoing support; it is much appreciated and hopefully it will lead to a licensed treatment for progressive MS."